Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Interview 1: Karen Bushaw-Newton, Ph.D.

Dr. Bushaw-Newton, "Doctor B" to students, microbial ecologist and assistant professor in American University's Department of Biology Environmental Studies program, researches nutrient and toxic pollution in the nation's largest estuary, the Chesapeake Bay.
"The Anacostia River system," she said, "is such a wonderful study area because it's not a pristine system, and you understand that when you start studying it. And then you go from there."
She does cutting-edge research on the multiple-antibiotic resistant bacteria found in the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers and on natural organisms within the river systems that can break down the highly toxic concentration of pH's (poly-hydrocarbons) in the water.
Dr. Bushaw-Newton spoke to me about her research and the importance of preserving and planting green spaces in urban areas.
You can visit her university website here.

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